
Saturday 23 July 2016

Trump’s Repulsive Acceptance Speech Just Got Hillary Clinton Elected President

Donald Trump's acceptance speech is so repulsive to so many Americans that he just may have gotten Hillary Clinton elected to be the nation's next president.
After the transcript of his speech leaked, Trump went on a wild ego rant where he repeated all of his stump speech points about how successful he was during the primary. The speech quickly turned into a bizarre mismatch of rewrites that were thrown in at the minute, and parts of the leaked transcript.

Trump is terrible on the teleprompter, so his delivery was poor.
Trump promised that there would be no lies. He then proceeded to lie throughout the entire speech. Every time Trump said these are the facts, it was the cue for another lie.Donald Trump immediately settled into his comfort food of robotically reading off statistics to make himself sound knowledgeable. Trump painted immigrants as roaming bands of criminals who are terrorizing the American people, “The number of new illegal immigrant families who have crossed the border so far this year already exceeds the entire total from 2015. They are being released by the tens of thousands into our communities with no regard for the impact on public safety or resources.”

Trump is alienating every group of voters that he needs to win. Trump is playing to angry, white, conservative America.

By doing so, he just may have gotten Clinton elected to be the nation’s next president in November.

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